Yellowstone National Park Day 2 and Earthquake Lake

Day two of Yellowstone National Park was my birthday. Like the good man that he is, my husband said we could do whatever I wanted. I chose to view Grand Prismatic Spring from the overlook. We got out early, hiked Fairy Falls to the overlook. Just a tip, it was super buggy up there in the morning. I would recommend taking bug spray. We also saw a notice at the trailhead that said a bear had been sighted recently around the trail. The view from the top is absolutely stunning. The pictures can’t begin to do the actual view justice. Just to stand there in awe of the beautiful world that we have been given is such a “glimpse of glory” and a gift from our Maker.

Grand Prismatic Spring from the Overlook at Fairy Falls

Next, we headed to Biscuit Basin to check out the springs and thermal features there. Then, we hiked up to the Old Faithful overlook. As it sprinkled rain, we watched it erupt. Such a magical sight. The morning was rather overcast and it did seem that Grand Prismatic and Old Faithful were both very steamy. Hard to get a good view of the actual spring and geyser due to the “smokiness”.

Old Faithful erupting as seen from the overlook

We continued through the park, checking out all of the geysers and hot springs that we hadn’t seen on the previous day. We had seen everything that was open at that point, but it wasn’t even noon yet. There were really no other places in the park that we wished to revisit. So we decided to put a pin in Yellowstone National Park and find somewhere else nearby to explore. Bill had been researching about a place called Earthquake Lake. It wasn’t too far of a drive from West Yellowstone, so we decided to visit and see what it had to offer. We arrived at the visitor center. The staff working there were all very friendly. They put on a video that we all watched that explained about an earthquake in 1959 that triggered a massive landslide that changed the geography of the land in that area. It was fascinating history! They also had a stamp for my passport book! It’s not technically a national park, but a stamp is a stamp. When we visited, it was very, very windy outside. I think that was unusual though.

And that’s it for Yellowstone National Park and surrounding areas. Join us next time as we Goforth and Explore our (almost) final stop, Glacier National Park!

About Author

My name is Brittany Goforth. My husband Bill and I love to travel. We currently live in South Carolina with our two cats, Pippa and Emmy and a golden retriever, Ruby. I can't wait to share our adventures (and sometimes misadventures) with you. Come on in, let's goforth and explore.

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