Life Update and FAQ

In 2022 I spent a lot of time thinking about my purpose and passion in life. I came to a few conclusions along the way. My purpose is to glorify God in all that I do while also shining my light to lead others to a relationship with Him. My passion is travel. I prayed about how I could align my purpose and passion to change the direction of my life in 2023. Then one day in December 2022, I discovered a travel agency nearby that needed a new agent, I began to fill out the application and before I could send it in, doubt began to creep in. What am I doing? I don’t know how to do this. I could never step away from teaching. With those thoughts I closed the application. Not even an hour later, a friend sent me the exact same post that I had seen about the exact same agency needing agents. I concluded that was my sign, I needed to give it a try. Again I filled out the application and to make a long story very short, I’m now a travel agent.

I’ve had several questions as I started this new venture. So I figured the best way to answer those questions is with a FAQ post, so here goes.

What agency are you working with?

I am now a Vacationista with Adventure Together Travel.

What can you book?

I can book just about anything. I specialize in Caribbean travel as I have been to many Caribbean Islands. I am a fan of all inclusive, adults only resorts. But I can do so much more than that.

All Inclusive Resorts

Sandals, Beaches, Secrets, and more

Theme Parks

Disney and Universal


Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Disney, and more

I plan to offer more services in the future, but for now I want to focus mostly on the above.

How do I request a quote?

You can click on the link above or email me at

Is it really free?

Yes! It is completely free. I do not charge for my services at all.

How do you make money then?

I work with suppliers that use commissions. That does not mean that they add more to your price. Whether you book with me or with a theme park or all inclusive resort, the price I quote for you will usually not be more than the price the park or resort will quote for you. The only difference is I will receive a commission rather than an agent that may be on site. Sometimes, I may be able to offer you a more affordable price as I have access to deals and savings that are not available to the public. In addition, if you have already booked with me and a promotion comes along that can save you money, I will add that to your booking to save you even more money.

Why should I use you rather that book on my own?

When you use a travel agent, you are getting the knowledge and expertise that we have. With my agency, we are very much a team and work together to help each other. So although I am new at this, others in the agency have been doing this for years. I have access to them and luckily for me, they are willing to help me, so I can better serve you. Also, I enjoy researching and finding options that best fit each client. If you can give me a few details about where you want to go, when, and how much you’re planning to spend, I’ll do the rest of finding you a place and getting it booked for you.

Wait, aren’t you a teacher?

Yes I am. I am a full time teacher and a part time travel agent. That does not mean that I am putting my skills as a Vacationista on the back burner. I am working diligently to learn and grow so I can best serve all of my clients.

I have a few trips planned this year. I will continue to travel to new places and experience new things and share them. Of course I have some big trips coming up, but I also do many day, weekend, and dog friendly trips. If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them for you. You can email me or leave a comment below. If you are considering a trip, it would be my honor to get a quote ready for you. You can use the link above and it will come directly to me. Hang on, because it’s about to get crazy as we Goforth and Explore the world!

About Author

My name is Brittany Goforth. My husband Bill and I love to travel. We currently live in South Carolina with our two cats, Pippa and Emmy and a golden retriever, Ruby. I can't wait to share our adventures (and sometimes misadventures) with you. Come on in, let's goforth and explore.


  1. Phyllis Wilson says:

    Love your post… your story… your new adventures!!!

  2. Michael Cann says:

    Thank you for sharing your purpose and passion. I am so proud of you! Best wishes in your new endeavors.

  3. Bill and Janet williams says:

    We are so EXCITED for you and this opportunity that God has blessed. I firmly believe in His signs. Never doubt you in any fashion or any calling! I will recommend to all of my friends and when we next travel, we will check with you🙏🎉❣️

  4. Fred Cooley says:

    So very exciting!!! Wow!!!

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